Business application for GEMA (German authors' society for musical works and collecting society)

Technology Stack:
Java Spring for several software layers coupled by REST/JSON interfaces.
Angular as browser based rich user interface.
I work as developer, architect and consultant for web, app and software solutions. With roots in web and software development, I work with a strong conceptual and technical background.
Having 25 years of professional experience in web development and
software engineering as well as founding and coordinating
development teams brings solid technical knowledge into my work.
At least 15 years of experience as a project and account manager and a
master's degree in business administration help me to focus on hard
facts like business goals, budget, time to market and productivity.
In the past 12 years I have focused on IT consulting including strategic planning, product management, project management and software architecture for larger companies in international project teams in the area of e-commerce and content publishing.
Internet enthusiast, hobby web developer and engaged organiser.
Founding of some online platforms, e.g. the first Berlin online portal „BerlinProjekt“.
Part-time web developer at pixelpark AG, located in Berlin.
Producer (team leader) at pixelpark AG, located in Berlin.
Founding and management of a developer team for frontend production of e-commerce
Self-employed web developer and technical project manager.
Web development for various online agencies located in Berlin.
Compulsory civilian service at ProSeniore Krankenheim (medical
facility), located in Berlin.
Assistant of the Quality Management Representative with involvement in the ISO 9001
certification process.
Cooperative studies of business administration at the University of
Applied Sciences "Beuth Hochschule für Technik", located in Berlin with international
semester at Helsinki Polytechnic Stadia.
Master’s degree in business administration with focus on economic computer science and a
thesis on software product and project management.
Web developer and software engineer at form4 GmbH & Co. KG, located in
Web and software specification and development including integrations to legacy systems
and model driven architecture.
Director of the web unit at form4 GmbH & Co. KG, located in Berlin.
Founding and management of the web unit with focus on sales, consulting, account
management, project management, project controlling and team building. The unit grew to
be the major part of the company.
I’m proud to have played a part in its sustainable growth.
Independent IT consultant for globally active enterprises.
Consulting and project management with focus on IT strategy, system analysis, requirement engineering, technical conception and software architecture in national and international projects and teams.
Since 2012 CTO at Poachee including the platform develoment.
MOTOR Digital GmbH & Co. KG was the company spin-off of the small but finest advertising and brand agency MOTOR Kommunikation. MOTOR Digital realised digital solutions with a passion for extraordinary quality.
Being managing director was a great experiece, but stopped me to focus on great client solutions only. To focus more on realising technical excellent projects, I decided to quit running a company and be the techical expert again.
Freelance software architect, full stack developer, frontend developer and automation evangelist.
Until summer 2019 software architect at IT4IPM (GEMA) for a complex business application based on REST, Java Spring Boot and Angular.
From summer 2019 I was employed as software architect and technical project manager at Sternwald Systems GmbH.
Since fall 2020 my passion is dedicated to the #bestteamintown at BITGRIP GmbH. I am working as Chief Technical Officer and Technology Coach for the team and our clients.
Web profiles: LinkedIn
My typical positions in the past were at mid-size and large consulting companies and web software agencies, as well as national and international corporations and organisations.
In my projects I support the scoping, planning, conception, realisation and optimisation of web, app and software solutions through the whole product life cycle. My strength (and passion) is a technical deep dive in all of these roles.
There is often a great idea, a certain need or an unsolved problem. The challenge is to manage the transition towards a solidly planned project without losing the vision.
Within this process, I
Every web and software solution needs specification, which has been carefully thought through. A consistent, solid and extendable concept, comprising all details will create the outstanding difference.
To create concepts and specifications, I
Ideas and concepts are worthless, if they are not realised. Bringing the vision to life and creating an up and running solution is a key factor for generating business value.
To realise client solutions, I
As requirements change all the time, the software solution should be adjusted to the actual needs. Finding out what is needed and what makes the solution even better is an ongoing process.
To measure and optimise, I
The most important technology skill is to be open minded and able to learn new technologies. Because the world is turning - and in software business it's fast - there are always important experiences from the past and passionate skills from the present.
Technologies I love a try to place in projects, if they match the requirements:
To summarise technology experiences from a timespan of 25 years is not possible at all - but the following lists will give an impression of my personal technical background.
Technology Stack:
Java Spring for several software layers coupled by REST/JSON interfaces.
Angular as browser based rich user interface.
Technology Stack:
GulpJS to compile the microsites embedding code.
TYPO3 as content management system and publishing contol instance.
Multi language setup for about seven languages.
Bootstrap in isolated mode.
jQuery in strict no-conflict mode.
Technology Stack:
TYPO3 CMS due to a strict client policy.
Elasticsearch as strong fulltext search engine.
Searchkit (React) for an as-you-type search experience.
Open Layers for an interactive data map.
Bootstrap with SASS.
GulpJS to compile all frontend resources.
BackboneJS as menu controller.
FullpageJS for a nice entry page.
Docker for easy to use development environment.
Technology Stack:
GulpJS to compile all frontend resources to a single file.
ElectronJS for native Windows and Mac player.
Technology Stack:
Bootstrap in isolated mode.
jQuery in strict no-conflict mode.
jQuery i18n for custom texts by embedding sites.
jQuery validator for a nice webform experience.
GulpJS to compile all forms, frontend code and webhook endpoints.
Docker to simulate third-party websites, central form service and webhook endpoints.
Technology Stack:
Contentful as headless CMS.
GulpJS to render the entire website.
Nunjucks as template engine.
Cloudinary as image transformation and video transcoding engine.
Bootstrap with SASS.
jQuery for effects and AJAX based webforms.
Zapier for webform data transmission.
Mailchimp intregration by jQuery webforms and Zapier.
Netlify for fast and easy build and CDN hosting.
Docker for easy to use development environment.
Ghostinspector for automated visual regression tests.
Technology Stack:
LoopBack Framework for a straight REST API architecture.
AngularJS as frontend technology.
Fastbill for subscriptions management.
huGO as ePaper solution.
BDD/jBehave for specification and test.
Intercom for crm and analysis.
Technology Stack:
Wordpress as editors backend.
PHP/Javascript for the subscription module.
Fastbill for monthly subscriptions and recurring payments.
huGO as content hub.
Mixpanel for analysis.
Intercom as CRM and support solution.
Docker for easy to use development environment.
In my previous research, I encountered challenges related to extracting text from snapshots of newspaper articles using mobile phones. The primary issues I encountered when using user-friendly OCR software, such as Mac’s Preview, were as follows:
Handling Two-Column Text: Newspaper articles frequently employ a two-column format, which posed a significant challenge for accurate text extraction.
Persistent Hyphens: Hyphens located at the ends of lines remained embedded within the extracted text even after OCR and subsequent text correction, making it especially challenging when dealing with proper names.
For my current research, my objective is to identify a suitable OCR solution that can effectively address these challenges.
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In rural areas, smaller events are typically advertised through flyers or newspaper articles, often in non-digital or unstructured formats. This presents the challenge of leveraging easily created snapshot photos, such as those taken with a smartphone, to convert these materials into structured event announcements.
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Following the tutorials, getInitialProps
is meant to work “on both server and the client”, which is totally correct.
Using server-side rendering (SSR) without any enhancements, this leads to a pwa, which is pre-baked for seo crawlers (content within html markup), but still loads content by the api, even if all data is within the rendered page already.
So be aware of implementing some client/server logic, when loading content by api is needed, and when it can be avoided.
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In general, I am a genaralist. Project management, business management, website creation, design of complex software - it all feels like the same thing from different perspectives.
And somehow it is. It’s about collecting, manipulating, enriching, structuring, publishing and searching content or data.
That’s what I liked about content and document management. It is necessary to automate accounting and tax processes. It is the core of useful intranets as communication platforms. It is essential for task, problem and project management. It is even important in communicating with citizens for our local council.
It is all about content and data streams, flows, processes and channels.
With today’s technologies, I can build small solutions on my own while I’m on the train. Complex and large projects, which require an entire development team, are gladly led and managed by me. Manager and Product Owner I like to advise. I like to share my point of view with visionaries.
To realize amazing web solutions - whether small or really big - and bring them to life. This is my passion.
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As looking for scheduling features for G Suite, one of the first hits might be boomerang. The feature set sounds great, but I wondered how they schedule the email sending technically.
Well, they do not explain it, so I did some research within their privacy policy. Let’s see …
Information We Collect Through Providing You With the Boomerang Service As you use the Boomerang Services, we may collect certain information about your Communications. We collect:
Now it starts:
the contents and header information from the Communications you send and receive through the service […] include at least the senders and recipient’s email address, subject line, message size, the date and time […], the system name and IP address […], […] geolocation data from your mobile device, […] information about events in your calendar, such as event titles, attendees, locations, and meeting times. responses from the recipients of your Communications […].
And hey, it’s perfectly expanding your privacy:
This information [..] allows us to analyze the content of your email […].
So, now some new year projects are being completed. Number one: Download data from facebook and close my account. Task done.
It’s not a secret that I am a fan of JAMstack websites. Like REST - which is basically using the core communication of HTTP - JAMstack is basically about using static websites - with some more around.
Static websites alway were great due to:
Well, there are some downsides like the question how to manage the content by editors, using dynamic and personalised content and so on.
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In context of a collaboration tool evaluation for a client some years ago, I had first contact with Podio. And the most amazing aspect of Podio is the flexible data model. Together with all the other features, that makes Podio the perfect tool for internal data management.
Using Contentful in some web projects and trying out the content stack, the concept felt quite familiar and I decided to have a second look at Podio - now as CMS for websites.
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Jan-Henrik Hempel
Schlatkow 6, 17390 Schmatzin, Germany
Phone: +49 175 1661003
VAT No.: DE 225921172
"J2H" is a registred brand of Jan-Henrik Hempel with registration number 30674918 at Deutsche Patent- und Markenamt.
All contents are written in Markdown
The frontend is built based on Bootstrap and jQuery.
Icons are sourced by web fonts Bootstrap
Glyphicons and Socicon.
The rendering is done by Jekyll.
Hosting made possible by Netlify.
No web tracking used.
All content including text, pictures, media assets and others is owned by Jan-Henrik Hempel. The copying and use of content has to be approved explicitly in written form by Jan-Henrik Hempel.
The hosting of the website is done by Netlify. By accessing this website Netlify might be able to collect usage data. You can find more details in Netlify’s commitment to protect your data.
This website does not use any web tracking. As well no cookies or similar technologies are used.