Relauch of the Bahlsen Group corporate website
For the Bahlsen Group MOTOR created the new corporate website. With a content driven concept we defined a new content structure based on the actual user needs. For the screendesign we used specially designed and dynamically arranged tiles.
The whole website behaves responsvive. For the editors we followed the client policy and used TYPO3 as CMS.
Goto the website:
Making the content editing as easy as possible, we optimised the editors backend with much love for details e.g. by a huge collection of custom elements, individual icons and content previews and an integrated manual for beginners.
To archieve maximum performance we use a static file cache and a site crawler to keep all contents in the caches.
- Technical realisation / lead developer of the frontend and backend.
- Ongoing maintanance.
Technology Stack:
TYPO3 CMS for a hierarchical and multi-country website.
Bootstrap with SASS.
GulpJS to compile all frontend resources.
Docker for easy to use development environment.
Ghostinspector for automated visual regression tests on deploy.