Project 2010 project management, frontend development, and accessibility tests

Multichannel publishing plattform and accessible website for Rote Liste

Rote Liste Service GmbH provides information on medicinal products in various forms. These are detailed specialist information to support doctors and pharmacists and the consumer information for use. Both forms are published in print and electronic form. The Red List as a book has been providing information on drug safety since 1935 and comprised over 24,000 drugs from around 450 pharmaceutical companies in 2013.

Multichannel Publishing Platform####

Rote Liste® Service GmbH makes its data available to its users in various channels and services.

  • Book edition (print)
  • Websites (online)
  • XML raw data for further processing

At the heart of the system landscape of Roten Liste® Service GmbH is the XML database eXistdb, which receives XML data from various systems, transforms it according to various business rules and makes it available for the various media and target platforms. A JMS system is used to control the production processes and for communication between the systems.

Within the project form4 realized the transformations with xQuery and XSLT, implemented the online websites Rote Liste® Online ( Due to the scpe of medical information the website had to be highly accessible and we did intensive accessibility test with blind people.


  • Project management.
  • Lead frontend development.
  • Accessibility tests with blind and disabled persons.

Technology Stack:

  • TYPO3

  • xQuery and XSLT